Health Wellness

Controlling Blood Sugar With a Simple Drink

According to Diabetes Research Institute Foundation, over 30 million Americans, about 9.4% of the population, have some form of diabetes. Another 23.1 million Americans, about 7.2% of the population, have been diagnosed with diabetes at some point and another 7.2 million have diabetes but have never been tested. In 2015, there were 1.5 million NEW

Health Wellness

Killing Popular Health Beliefs

Over the years, there have been many health beliefs that turned out to be nothing more than wishful thinking or all out myths. Remember when you were a kid, your parents would tell you to dress warm outside or you’ll catch a cold? That was proven false as colds are caused by viruses, not being

Health Nature Wellness

Are Your Antibiotics Killing You?

Over the past couple of decades, we’ve all heard many reports about the dangers of using too many anti-biotics. The warning is usually associated with the antibiotics becoming less effective due to the so-called evolution of what the antibiotics are designed to treat. I say so-called evolution because it’s NOT evolution at all. It’s more