New Mom Posted Having a Baby Ruined Her Life – Here’s The Response She Got

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A mum has shared a heartbreaking warning online for those thinking of having children.

In an anonymous post on the parenting forum, Mumsnet, a woman admitted she “regrets” having a baby and wishes she could go back in time.

She tells those considering having their own child not to do it – or if they do to do so at their own risk.

“If you’re thinking of having a baby – don’t. Or do. But be aware it may ruin your life,” she writes.

The parent goes on to stress that she loves her seven-month-old son more than anything, but it does little to dampen the regret she feels.

“I regret having a baby so much. It has absolutely destroyed my physical and mental health and it’s impossible for me to envisage a time where I will ever be happy again.

“I used to be a vibrant, interesting, fun person with a great family life and hobbies, purpose and fulfilment.

“I’m now a shell of my former self, my world is so, so small.”

She says that if she could go back to a time before her child was born and not remember he ever existed, she would do so “without hesitation”.

“I wish with all my heart and soul I hadn’t done it,” the mum exclaims.

Hundreds of people responded to the post on the Am I Being Unreasonable section of the site, offering words of support for the unnamed parent.

One person said: “I couldn’t read this and run. I am so sorry you feel this way. Motherhood is certainly brutal and terrifying. I remember that trapped feeling very well.”

Another wrote: “Oh I felt like that when mine were that age. I think the first 3-4 years can be brutal depending on the nature of the child. It WILL get easier and more enjoyable, especially if you stick with just the one. Hang in there it’s not forever.”

A third replied: “There is a huge pressure on new mums to be over the moon despite the first year being very hard for many, many women.”

Some suggested the mum may have postnatal depression and urged her to seek help – but not everyone was convinced.

A different user added: “Just for the record, you don’t need to have PND to feel this way. Having children can wreck your mental heath, your body that you will never get back, your finances and freedom. Women need to be educated about the reality and not be influenced so heavily on social media. I feel for you.”

8 thoughts on “New Mom Posted Having a Baby Ruined Her Life – Here’s The Response She Got


  2. I am a single father. I have had two failed marriages, but have also had three beautiful and wonderful daughters. I have had more fun with my girls than anyone else. Children are gifts, not burdens. I feel sorry for the children and babies of the “so called” mothers who think different. These babies didn’t asked to be born, so maybe it’s best if you put your baby up for adoption so they can grow up in a loving home. Being a man shouldn’t make any difference. I still love the with all of my heart. I am just sad that they had to grow up so fast. For those who believe your babies are a burden and ruined your life, you need counselling to see what mental defect you have. I am quite offended that a parent would think that. It is, in my opinion, wicked to think that. My youngest is sixteen right now, and we are best friends. I would take them all back in if they needed. Please, re-evaluate your thoughts and feelings. They are selfish. Being a parent is hard work. It is a responsibility. But being a parent is also very rewarding. This has been the most rewarding and joyful time in my life. I pray that you can see yourself for what you are right now, and to be able to s=see the gift you have in your children.

  3. Use birth control or stay celibate. Your thoughts and worries will affect your child’s behavior.

  4. Haven’t you ever heard of adoption? If having a baby is so horrible, then give it to someone who will love and appreciate it. Please, please count your blessings.

  5. This sounds like a buyers beware: as a woman who had 3 children: at the pregnancy of the last child: the father decided that being married and a father was to much: walked away: I could’ve said this is to much to endure: but I had a pondering in my heart : that children are a gift from God given to us to nurture and keep safe and secure: in the end when my eyes will fail,my body that birth them,would shrivel : they would be my pillars of hope: and their children would be my crown of glory. I would have rather given my freedom, my sleep, and comfort: to hear their small voice coo, their little hands in prayer, and say mom we love you. ( but if a young woman feels like it is to much to handle pressure: get help by a family member, spouse or a friend: if she belongs to a church, synagogue or other religious groups search out for mothers meeting with children.

  6. Praying that this god given ba y never grows up and ever hears what you’ve said. So heart breaking! As said this child should have the chance to be given to someone who would truly love,care for and protect him. So many who would love to be able to have a child and can’t !

  7. I wish I could help you. But to some degree, I cannot blame you. There are some factors that are working against you. For instance, this present world is not right in the first place making life hard for you and your baby. But what if the earth right now was a paradise, like the global park it was meant to be and all people were in perfect health and happiness. Then you would not feel so sad about your baby. Ask some people to babysit for you temporarily, to give you a temporary break right now. And then at the right time, you will find out what the future new world will be like on this earth, solving a lot of the problems that all humans are faced with and robbing people of their joy. Leave your baby with someone else for a week, just to help yourself out. I wish I could talk with you by phone and tell you some of the negative, wierd, feelings I had after the birth of mine, but that gradually went away.

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