Lost Dog Reuniting With Owner

Lost Dog Reunited with Owner After 7 Years Astray


Honey the dog wandered around for seven years after disappearing near San Antonio, Texas. The entire time, her location was unknown to her owner.

Then they reunited last week after a local animal shelter found a microchip in what they thought was just a stray dog, according to City of San Antonio Animal Care Services.

The microchip “was registered to someone who had adopted Honey many years ago,” the shelter wrote in a Facebook post.

Workers called the owner and gave Honey routine medical treatment.

“While he was getting his initial shots upon entering our shelter, our staff got a call that his owner had already made it to ACS to reclaim in our front office,” the shelter said.

A staff member brought the dog into the room to see if Honey would recognize his long-lost owner.

When the owner arrived, she “burst into tears,” “fell to her knees, and held her in her arms.”

The reaction surprised shelter workers, who asked the woman how long Honey had been missing.

“Almost seven years,” she replied.

The shelter credited the microchip for the reunion, and although some municipalities, including San Antonio, have a microchip law on the books, pet owners can opt to have them installed in other areas.

Residents of San Antonio’s neighboring communities can go to the shelter and pay just $5 for the microchip.

It can cost about $50 at a veterinarian in most parts of the country, according to WebMD.

2 thoughts on “Lost Dog Reunited with Owner After 7 Years Astray

  1. So happy for the dog and its owner. Very happy and wonderful ending for both. Happy Thanksgiving to all. Stay well and safe and wear your masks and protect yourself and others

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