Health Wellness

Tomatoes Can Help Reduce Medical Expenses

Healthcare is one of the most common news stories over the past couple of months. For seven years, Republicans have been promising to repeal the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare). They’ve had seven years to come up with an acceptable and workable replacement for Obamacare, but like a school kid given an assignment to write a

Health Wellness

Pregnancy, Sugar, Allergies and Asthma

The entire nation has been fixated on the Trump-Russia probe and the Senate Republicans’ healthcare plan. Everyone wants to know what kind of healthcare coverage they can expect under whatever new healthcare plan will replace Obamacare. Many are also wondering what will happen to their existing healthcare plans if the new GOP plan is passed

Health Wellness

Holistic Efforts are Making a Dent in Childhood Obesity

When it comes to childhood obesity, it might just take a village. Or that’s the implication of a two-year, community-wide intervention in two low-income Massachusetts towns, Fitchburg and New Bedford, which took place between 2012 and 2014. The effort focused on messages about: reducing screen time and soda consumption, replacing nutrient-poor foods with fruits and vegetables, increasing

Health Wellness

Did You Know You Have Sarcopenia?

Ladies, from the moment you begin to develop in your mother’s womb, you begin to develop muscles. After you are born and through adolescence and early adulthood, those muscles continue to grow and develop. You gain strength and body mass, hopefully in all the right places. In your twenties, you felt like you could do

Health Wellness

Dying Wish of An Army Veteran

Death is something that none of us like to think about, but it’s something we will all face at some point in our lives. From the moment we are conceived in our mother’s womb, we are set on a course that leads to death. Some will experience death suddenly and before they are prepared to