Health Wellness

Cell Phone Use Linked to Brain Tumors

What do they know in Italy about using cell phones that we don’t in the U.S.? Ask any of America’s federal watchdog agencies, and you no doubt will be told how perfectly safe cell phone technology is. The CDC says there’s no proof of a link between health problems and using these devices. But don’t

Health Wellness

Getting Fat from ‘Diet’ Products

Diet foods are a multi-billion-dollar business, especial in America with so many people becoming more heath conscious. One of the first things many people going on a diet do is cut or reduce fat from their diets. They begin reading labels to see just how much fat a product contains. After all, we’ve all heard

Health Wellness

Beer Drinkers May Develop Irregular Heart Rhythms

The Munich Oktoberfest might seem an unlikely locale for a medical research project, but German scientists studied festivalgoers and found that moderate social drinking may lead to arrhythmias — irregular heart rhythms — in otherwise healthy people. Using a hand-held breathalyzer, the researchers tested 3,028 men and women who had been drinking but were not

Health Wellness

Appendicitis doesn’t need surgery

When you DON’T need emergency surgery Emergency surgery is something most folks never even think to question. The word “emergency” is right in the name! Well, friend, if you’re in line for one of the most common “emergency” surgeries of all, it may be time to start asking some questions. Because as it turns out,