
Poll: Black Support for Trump at 31 Percent

The daily Rasmussen Reports poll that tracks black support for President Donald Trump shows the president sitting at 31 percent as of Thursday, just five days before the election. Oct 29, 2020 – Morning Reader Data Points: "If the presidential election was held today, would you vote for Donald Trump or Joe Biden?" National Daily


How Far Left Would a President Biden Be Pushed?

Joe Biden has been running as a Democratic “moderate” (relative term) since the convention. Before then, he embraced many of the radical policies of Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren. He was actually quite nuanced in his embrace of The Green New Deal and Medicare for all, carefully separating his views from those of the radicals.

Entertainment and Lifestyle Health Wellness

New Study Reveals The Easiest Way to Stay Fit If You Work From Home – You May Already Be Doing It

In a recent study, researchers linked surprisingly positive health effects to a type of exercise you have probably tried before. No, it’s not cardio, HIIT training, weight lifting, or cycling. It’s walking. Specifically, a certain variety of walking. After analyzing movement patterns and self-reported health scores of 125,885 adults, researchers noticed some curious distinctions between


Why Do Millennials Hate Democracy?

Just days before a historic election in the United States, Cambridge University researchers have sobering news on the state of democracies around the world. More than ever before, millennials are disappointed with the process. Millennials are the most disillusioned with democracy of any generation to come before them – even when people of other generations