Health Wellness

Cell Phone Use Linked to Brain Tumors

What do they know in Italy about using cell phones that we don’t in the U.S.? Ask any of America’s federal watchdog agencies, and you no doubt will be told how perfectly safe cell phone technology is. The CDC says there’s no proof of a link between health problems and using these devices. But don’t


Why Parents Should Be Wary of ’13 Reasons Why’

THURSDAY, May 4, 2017 (HealthDay News) — It started as a bestselling novel aimed at teens. In 2007, Thirteen Reasons Why, by first-time novelist Jay Asher, outlined the story of a 16-year-old named Hannah Baker. In the book, Hannah recounts — from beyond the grave — the high school gossip, humiliation, bullying, invasion of privacy,


Do Vitamins Actually Do Anything?

A rose is a rose is a rose. But is a vitamin a vitamin a vitamin? Today, one can almost buy vitamins on the street corner. In fact, it is hard to imagine vitamin consciousness being any higher. Millions take one or more vitamins daily. Is Big Pharma laughing at us? Let’s inquire. This week


‘Mindfulness’ Probably Won’t Cure Your Back Pain

TUESDAY, April 25, 2017 (HealthDay News) — Proponents of mindfulness-based stress reduction claim it can improve relationships, mental health, weight and more. But, one complaint it’s unlikely to fix is lower back pain, researchers now say. Lower back pain doesn’t respond to the programs, which embrace meditation, heightened self-awareness and exercise, according to a review


Baby-Making by Lottery

Dr. John Zhang, a well-known specialist in reproductive medicine who runs the New Hope Fertility Center out of a vast and science-fiction-looking office on Columbus Circle, believes he has played a singular role in the fiscal health of New York City. Patients come to him from around the world, from the Middle East, from Kenya,


Most Seniors Use Cellphones While Behind the Wheel

FRIDAY, April 28, 2017 (HealthDay News) — When you think of cellphones and driving, you probably picture a chatty teen behind the wheel. But new research suggests that seniors are often guilty of this dangerous practice, too. And that’s true even if they have children in the car, a new survey found. “Of those senior


Does Legal Medical Marijuana Spur Illicit Pot Use?

WEDNESDAY, April 26, 2017 (HealthDay News) — An unintended byproduct of medical marijuana laws could be a sharper increase in illicit pot use, a new U.S. study reports. Illicit pot use increased significantly more in states that passed medical marijuana laws compared to other states, researchers found in comparing three national surveys conducted between 1991