
8 Amazing Uses for Tea Tree Oil

Essential oils are finally starting to get some of the focus they deserve, and we couldn’t be happier about it around here. We fell in love with essential oils—and in particular tea tree oil—years ago, and we’re thrilled others are finally catching on to just how useful these oils are. Study after study has confirmed


Women: Could Antibiotics Give You Cancer?

Is your UTI med giving you CANCER? It’s a drug many women end up taking months or even YEARS at a time. And even then, it doesn’t always solve the problem. If you have regular battles with urinary infections, then you probably know the names of common antibiotic drugs a little too well… because you’ve


How to Triple Your Risk of Dementia

For something so seemingly innocent, there sure are a lot of ways diet soda can do you in. Several years ago we told you about a study that found women who regularly drank just two or more diet drinks a day were upping their chances of a heart attack or stroke by 30 percent. Plus


Smoke While Pregnant, Harm Your Future Grandkids

If you’re looking for another reason to just say no to cigarettes, researchers are offering up more evidence that the habit has negative repercussions—not just for the smoker, and not just for the smoker’s children, but for the smoker’s grandchildren, too. Coming on the heels of several years of research into how smoking changes the

Sex Wellness

Ten Health Benefits of Sex

Type “sexual health” into a search engine, and it is likely that you will be bombarded with pages of articles covering anything and everything, from sexual norms and advice on relationships, birth control, and pregnancy, to information about STDs and how to avoid them. What is less often discussed, however, is the abundant physical and

Health Wellness

Getting Fat from ‘Diet’ Products

Diet foods are a multi-billion-dollar business, especial in America with so many people becoming more heath conscious. One of the first things many people going on a diet do is cut or reduce fat from their diets. They begin reading labels to see just how much fat a product contains. After all, we’ve all heard

Health Wellness

Beer Drinkers May Develop Irregular Heart Rhythms

The Munich Oktoberfest might seem an unlikely locale for a medical research project, but German scientists studied festivalgoers and found that moderate social drinking may lead to arrhythmias — irregular heart rhythms — in otherwise healthy people. Using a hand-held breathalyzer, the researchers tested 3,028 men and women who had been drinking but were not


New Key to Starving Cancer?

We’ve all been hearing for years that eating red meat is bad for your health and may be linked to increased risks of developing cancer. The same reports say that we need to eat more vegetables and fruits to reduce our chances of developing cancer. The American Institute for Cancer Research has a list of