Cryogenic Freezers

146 Cryogenically Frozen Bodies Are Buried in the Arizona Desert


More than 100 humans are cryogenically frozen and buried in a desert in Arizona waiting to be brought back to life.

The Alcor Life Extensions Foundation, located just outside a Phoenix, Arizona suburb, is home to 146 bodies that were frozen at the time of death. Freezing the human body and keeping it at very low temperatures keeps it in the same state and prevents decay.

According to the Alcor Life Extensions Foundation’s website, “Cryonics is the practice of preserving life by pausing the dying process using subfreezing temperatures with the intent of restoring good health with medical technology in the future.”

So, if future technology develops a method for resurrecting frozen bodies, those 146 individuals could come back to life.

Those who chose to be frozen at death likely came from wealthy backgrounds. The process alone can cost around $200,000. There is also ongoing financial support that is needed to remain frozen indefinitely.

Among those buried in the facility is World War I veteran James Bedford.

Resurrecting a dead human body may seem far-fetched, but in 2016, researchers at 21st Century Medicine in California successfully defrosted a rabbit brain from a cryogenic freezer in an almost perfect state.

This research showed that the synaptic circuitry of the brain was successfully preserved, but the brain was not functional.

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