Dog Rescues Owner from Knife-Wielding Attacker


Amy Edmondson, 30, from Southend-on-Sea, U.K., was walking home with her dog, Star, last week at around 11:30 p.m. when a couple came up to her asking for directions.

When she turned around to show them where to go, the man attacked her. The man reportedly jumped on her back, pushed her to the ground and held a knife to her throat. 

“They kept saying give me your money, where’s your money, we need your money,” she said.

She told SWNS she was on the ground “for what felt like forever.”

“I just kept thinking, I’m going to die, there’s no way to get this bloke off me,” Edmondson said.

She also worried about her 9-year-old son Riley.

“All I was thinking was that my son was going to grow up without a mum [sic] and my dog was going to be without me,” she said.

But luckily, Star came to the rescue.

“Then I let go of my dog’s lead and she just jumped on him and started biting his leg,” Edmondson said. 

“She wouldn’t let go,” Edmondson continued. “The woman ran off at that point, and the bloke was saying, ‘Get this f—ing dog off me’.”

When Edmondson told him to get off her so she could get Star, he ran away too, Edmondson said.

Edmondson said that she didn’t expect Star, a pit bull mix, to attack the mugger, but she is so grateful that she did.

“It was actually really out of character for her – she’s the most loving little dog usually, she would lick anyone to death,” Edmondson said.

“Star is my little lifesaver,” she added. “Without her I wouldn’t be here. She’s the most loving dog you will meet. I have never seen her like that but it just shows she was protecting me.”

3 thoughts on “Dog Rescues Owner from Knife-Wielding Attacker

  1. She was protecting her master , and all dogs no matter what breed can love if they are loved and taught love and not taught nastyness and how to be nasty ..

  2. In this case, it is necessary to immediately declare defund to all pidbulls, just as they did to the police, so that pidbulls also do not have the right to save unarmed people (deprived of the 2nd amendment of the Constitution for weapons) people, from murderers and robbers respected by our government.

  3. Good for Star!! She knew exactly what she needed to do — get that nasty bloke off her owner…and she did!! Star deserves a Medal for biting that dude’s leg. However, her owner better get her checked for Rabies. That dude could be carrying any kind of disease…especially nasty rabies with an attitude like that!!

    Pitbull mixes are the sweetest, loving pets! Don’t let anyone tell you they are vicious (except when defending their owners from attackers,Thank God!), because they are such loving dogs! Good natured, loving pups!

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