Doctors Find AirPod Stuck In Man’s Chest

Health Wellness

Brad Gauthier, 38, had difficulty breathing after waking up one morning. When he tried to drink water, it felt like he was choking.

Unaware of just how bad the situation was, Brad carried on with his day with the “strange sensation in his chest.”

Brad went to the hospital, where an X-ray confirmed his suspicion.

The X-ray showed the AirPod stuck in his chest. Apparently Brad had swallowed the wireless headphone in his sleep. It was lodged in his esophagus, which is why his throat filled up with water when he tried to swallow his drink.

“It was pretty funny, when she left the room I could hear a bit of chatter outside – ‘No it couldn’t be?’ She came back in, looks at me and says ‘I’ll be damned, you swallowed it,'” Brad explained.

“They were all jaws a slack, looking at this X-ray on the screen where you could see it in such clear definition,” he continued.

Fortunately, doctors were able to remove the Airpod and no serious damage was caused.

“Had I inhaled it or it had gotten lodged or constricted my airway that could have certainly been a significantly more serious matter. You don’t have a lot of runway if you obstruct your breathing and something happens, who would even think that’s what it was if you wake up to something like that,” Braid said.

“I’m really lucky things happened the way they did and got it resolved so quickly, along with it being wedged in the position that it was,” he added.

According to Brad, the Airpod still works, but sadly the incident had broken the microphone function of the headphone.

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