Health Wellness

The Negative Side of Naps

Growing up, I used to think that naps were only for babies and toddlers but once you made it 1sst grade, naps were a thing of the past. You’re expected to get enough sleep at night for you to make it through the day without a nap. Through most of my adult life, I believed

Health Wellness

Cheap Sunglasses Can Ruin Your Eyes

After a prolonged winter, spring is finally here, summer is only weeks away and millions of people are taking to the outdoors. They are doing more yard work, gardening, hiking, walking, sight-seeing, going to the park and amusement centers, the beach, lake and river. Let’s not forget just laying out in the sun by the

Health Wellness

Senior Oral Health – Why It Matters

Many components of the health care system — often including patients themselves — look straight past patients’ teeth and down their throats, rather than addressing oral health needs. Medicare is no different. Original Medicare with no supplementary medigap plan, the insurance that covers roughly 427,200 seniors in Kansas, offers no preventive or restorative dental coverage,

Health Wellness

Is stress killing you? Over come your anxiety

Sardinia, Italy, is a place where time seems to stand still. The residents of this Blue Zone region are renowned for living long, healthy, happy and relatively stress-free lives. They have a saying, (which has since been popularized in the Julia Roberts movie, Eat, Pray, Love) that seems to capture their relaxed approach to life. The

Health Wellness

Debunking 2018’s Top Diet Trends

It seems like every day, you open up Facebook or Instagram and see another blogger, celebrity or influencer touting a different diet that helped them achieve their goals. They swear by it, and based on what you see, you’re intrigued enough to want to try. But how do you wade through the good, the bad,

Health Wellness

Rare Eye Cancer Not as Rare as Thought

I once read an article that stated that many rare diseases are only rare because they are often misdiagnosed because doctors are not familiar with them and misinterpret the symptoms for something else. Case in point is the condition plaguing my oldest daughter. She has always had a host peculiar conditions her entire life but

Health Wellness

How Diet Affects When Menopause Begins

Is menopause a good thing or bad thing? If you asked that question to 1,000 women from various areas and backgrounds, chances are the answer you get would be close to evenly split. Some will say that they are done having kids and look forward to no more monthly menstrual cycles with the bloating, cramping,