Health Wellness

New Weed Causes Severe Sunburn

This summer is shaping up to he a hot one, with the second major heat wave to sweep over the central and eastern parts of the country. Where I live in northern Kentucky and just south of Cincinnati, Ohio, May was the hottest month on record and at the time of this writing, we are

Health Wellness

Are You Suffering from Pregnancy Brain?

Pregnancy causes a number of changes within a woman and those closest to her. There is no doubt that pregnant women undergo mood swings due to the different concentrations of hormones being secreted due to the pregnancy. They often become more emotional over different things and some pregnant women even report that they are more

Health Wellness

Does eating at night make you fat?

Some media reports say that eating at night makes you gain weight, others say that it has no effect on body weight. So who is right? First, it’s important to remember that a gain in body weight only occurs when there is a change in calories consumed or calories burned. A calorie is a calorie,