Health Nature

More Infectious Mutation May Be ‘Good Thing’ According To This Expert

An increasingly common mutation of the novel coronavirus found in Europe, North America and parts of Asia may be more infectious but appears less deadly, according to a prominent infectious diseases doctor. Paul Tambyah, senior consultant at Singapore’s National University Hospital and president-elect of the International Society of Infectious Diseases, said evidence suggests the proliferation


The False Media Narrative About Covid-19 Testing

If you follow the anti-Trump media, you “know” that there is a shortage of Covid-19.  Not enough test sites.  Not enough of the testing agents.  Not enough personal.  Those being tested had to have symptoms or pre-op – and it required a physician’s prescription. If you did qualify for a Covid-19 test, you would have


Bahamas Gov’t Encourages Post-Coronavirus Cruising

A tourism official in the Bahamas wants cruise ships to sail to the archipelago’s population-dense islands and not just private ports, according to Bahamian local news outlet The Tribune. In an interview with the publication, the Bahamas Minister of Tourism and Aviation Dionisio D’Aguilar said he would “encourage” cruise lines to visit the vacation destination’s


Can Trump Learn to Win?

Whether Trump can LEARN to win is a different question than can he win.  Yes, he can win – but only if he can learn to win.  So far, that is an unresolved question. There is a good solid case for not making Biden President of the United States – and Harris Vice President or