Health Wellness

Does Weather Really Impact Health?

Does weather really impact various health conditions or illnesses? Millions of people will respond with a definitive response while a variety of studies often dispute those claims. I’ve had really torn up bad knees for the past 50 years. My family will verify that I regularly predict a storm a day or two before it

Health Wellness

Tip to Help Lower Risk of Dementia

Most of the tips to help lower the risk of developing dementia usually includes eating a healthy diet, exercise, social interaction with others and keeping one’s mind tasked and active. Some sources recommend having a pet and spending at least 10 minutes a day petting that pet. I’ve also seen reports that managing and reducing

Health Wellness

Top Recommended Adult Vaccines

Other than the flu vaccine, which we hear about every year, most people think that vaccines are for the younger crowd from newborns to teens but not older adults. After all, by the time we reach adulthood, we’ve had most of the diseases associated with growing up. How many adults do you know that have