Health Wellness

Fat or sugar? Which is worse?

For many, peeking at a grocery item’s nutritional facts is common practice. The line item that draws a customer’s initial attention, however, varies greatly. Some consumers believe fat should be avoided at all costs, while others see sugar as the real criminal. With new research pouring in every day, it’s hard to know which one

Health Wellness

Eating Healthy CAN Make You Fat

America is the most obese nation on earth, except perhaps for some of the Polynesian islands. Consequently, many people are trying to go on diets, exercise and eat healthier. As we get older, we’re told to watch what we eat and how much we eat. We have to worry about heart health, diabetes, strokes, cancers,

Health Wellness

Diet Trends That Keep You Fat

JUICING It’s fine to drink juice when you’re watching your weight but as with any food or drink, you need to count the calories it provides as part of your daily total. This is one reason health experts in the UK advise sticking to a 150ml serving size. This will give you around 65 calories