Health Wellness

New Lethal Nightmare Bacteria

The more antibiotics we use and the more antibiotics are given to the livestock we eat and the more antibiotics get into the water and soil used to grow the foods we eat, the more antibiotic resistant bacteria and germs seem to show up. I recently shared with you about a new strain of gonorrhea

Health Wellness

New Cells Found in Old Brains

When I was in graduate school, we were taught in our human anatomy class that once a person reaches maturity, the brain stops producing new brain cells. This ‘fact’ was used to argue against heavy drinking since it’s a known fact that excessive amounts of alcohol kill brain cells. Looking around the country today, it

Health Wellness

Latest Teen Fad Could be Fatal

For decades, teenagers have been known to pursue one fad after another. When I was teen, it was in the days when the Beatles became popular along with a genre of music known as surfer music. Millions of American teens got a Beatles’ or surfer hair-cut. Then came the flower-power hippie movement and once again,