Food Health

How does a piece of bread cause a migraine?

Migraine is the third most prevalent illness in the world and causes suffering for tens of millions of people. In fact, nearly 1 in 4 U.S. household includes someone with migraines. Migraine is not just a headache but also includes a collection of associated symptoms that can be debilitating. These include nausea, vomiting, light sensitivity


NO SURPRISE: STD Caused Cancer Increase in US

Fifty years ago, anal cancer was rare and often overlooked in many cancer reports. Incidentally, fifty years ago, sodomy was against the law in many states and was considered an extreme social taboo. Then the so-called revolution swept America and not for the good. Homosexuality went from the closet to main street America and even


High Blood Pressure Lowering Supplements

High blood pressure or hypertension is justifiably known as the silent killer. High blood pressure is often not felt by the person, but internally, it can be wreaking havoc in one’s body. High blood pressure can lead to various forms of heart disease, stroke, diabetes, kidney disease and more. Most doctors prescribe medications to help