Tips for Men and Their Prostates

Health Wellness

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Did you know that at least 50% of men over the age of 50 suffer from an enlarged prostate or benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH)? The older a man gets, the more likely he is to have BPH. In fact, nearly 70% of men age 70 have BPH and 90% of men who have made it to age 80 have BPH.

BPH is not cancer nor is it fatal, but it can be painful and problematic. My dad was never one to complain. I’ve seen him go to work with a huge hole in his leg or running a high fever. He helped teach me to ‘cowboy up’ and just keep going if at all possible. However, one night in his 70s, he woke my mom up at 2am and told her to take him to the emergency room. He was in extreme pain and needless to say, it really scared my mom. It turned out that his prostate had enlarged to the point of closing off his urethra, meaning he could not urinate, causing the pain. He told me that doctors went up urethra and reamed out the passage so he could urinate. He told me it was the worse reaming he ever had in his life.

At least one report says that researchers are not sure if BPH contributes to the onset of prostate cancer or if they are unrelated. However, other reports say that there is a significant association between BPH and prostate cancer.

Dr. Cora Sternberg, chief of medical oncology at the San Camillo/Forlanini Hospital in Rome, Italy, says the link between BPH and prostate cancer is ‘an extremely controversial hot topic’. She noted that some studies have found no links between the two, while other studies hint at a link.

Whether there is or isn’t a link between BPH and prostate cancer, what most men need to do is to pay attention to the things they can do to try to help prevent or stave off having an enlarged prostate.

Here are some dietary tips to help maintain a healthy or healthier prostate.

  • Sesame seeds – They are high in zinc, which is good for prostate health. It has been found that in many cases of BPH or prostate cancer, the men had 75% lower zinc levels than found in healthier prostates.
  • Salmon – Wild caught salmon have high levels of omega-3 fatty acids, which are good for many health reasons, including prostates. Omega-3 fatty acids can also be found in walnuts, ground flax seed, chia seeds and canola oils, but the levels are not nearly as high as that found in wild caught salmon.
  • Bell peppers – They are high in vitamin C. One cup of raw bell pepper contains 200% of the normal daily requirement of vitamin C. Other vegetables with good amounts of vitamin C include broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower and kale.
  • Tomatoes – They are rich in lycopene, a compound that gives tomatoes their red color. Lycopene helps reduce the risk of BPH and prostate cancer. Other vegetables containing healthy amounts of lycopene are apricots, papaya, pink grapefruit and watermelon.
  • Avocados – They are rich in beta-sitosterol which has been linked to reduce symptoms of BPH. It’s also been reported that men taking beta-sitosterol supplements have better urinary flow and less residual urine volume. Other vegetables with healthy amounts of beta-sitosterol include pecans, pumpkin seeds, soybeans and wheat germ.
  • Tofu – Tofu is generally made from soybeans, which not only contain beta sitosterol, but they also contain isoflavones, which are reported to reduce BPH growth and lessen the growth of cancerous cell in the prostate. Other foods to consider include edamame, roasted soybeans, soy milk, soy yogurt and tempeh.
  • Brazil nuts – They are rich in selenium, a mineral that helps with prostate health. They also contain zinc, amino acids, magnesium and thiamine.
  • Cayenne – Found in hot peppers, cayenne pepper contains high concentrations of capsaicin, which has been reported to kill prostate cancer cells as well as reduce pain.
  • Green tea – Contains antioxidants known as catechins. They are known to kill certain bacteria and viruses, boost the immune system and fight several forms of cancer.
  • Mushrooms – A number of Asian varieties, like shiitake mushrooms contain lentinan, known to be an anti-carcinogen.
  • Pomegranates – Rich in antioxidants and ellagitannin, both of which promote prostate health.

It’s also advised for men to reduce the amount of fatty foods, red meat and processed foods, as they have been known to contribute to BPH and prostate cancer. Eat healthy and live healthy if you want a healthy prostate.

Men's Health Prostates

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