The EPA Now Says These Three Products Kill COVID in a Minute


At the beginning of the pandemic, people swarmed stores in search of products that would keep their home COVID-free. The shelves were, and often still are, wiped clean of any product that could disinfect surfaces and keep the virus away.

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) swiftly compiled a list, referred to as List N, of the products that demonstrated efficacy against COVID-19. Now, the EPA has added another household name to the list of disinfectants that can eradicate coronavirus. According to a September 15 statement, three Zep disinfectants kill COVID on surfaces in just one minute.

The acceptance from the EPA is based on data from extensive testing on each product.

Here are the three EPA-tested and approved Zep products that will keep your home clean and COVID-free:

Zep Antibacterial Disinfectant&Cleaner with Lemon

Zep claims this ready-to-use disinfectant excels at cutting through grease and tough soil. This product can be used on hard non-porous surfaces in any room of your house to give your home a lemon-fresh scent while keeping COVID away.

Zep Spirit II Ready-To-Use Detergent Disinfectant

With this disinfectant, a COVID-free home is just a few sprays and 60 seconds away. This germicidal cleaner and deodorant can also control mildew growth, according to Zep, making it the perfect multi-use tool.

Zep All-Purpose Bathroom Disinfectant

In addition to destroying COVID, this product also keeps your bathroom squeaky clean. Zep claims this formula works on all the surfaces in your bathroom while deodorizing your space.

coronavirus covid-19 Health

One thought on “The EPA Now Says These Three Products Kill COVID in a Minute

  1. How can you possibly kil something that doesn’t exist?
    In the document “CDC 2019-Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) Real-Time RT-PCR Diagnostic Panel.”, page 39 is clearly stated that “no quantified virus isolates of the 2019-nCoV are currently available”. I.e. , in layman’s terms, no-one has ever found the putative “virus”.
    If even the CDC says it can’t be found, what is the evidence that these products kill it (other than the fact that it’s not there)?

    The only “evidence” for the existence of Covid-19 “virus” is a photoshop assemblage, financed by Bill Gates.
    All that we have is a computer generated estimate of what it MIGHT look like if anyone could finf it. To date no-one has succeeded. We have, therefore, scientifically speaking, no option other than to clasify the whole thing as a scam and such announcements as above as profiteering by abusing the gullible.

    Blessed be
    Karma Singh

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