Health Wellness

Pregnancy, Sugar, Allergies and Asthma

The entire nation has been fixated on the Trump-Russia probe and the Senate Republicans’ healthcare plan. Everyone wants to know what kind of healthcare coverage they can expect under whatever new healthcare plan will replace Obamacare. Many are also wondering what will happen to their existing healthcare plans if the new GOP plan is passed

Health Wellness

Can Diet Changes Help Calm Children With ADHD?

According to findings published in the journal Pediatrics in February, the Mediterranean diet, mostly comprised of vegetables, nuts and healthy fats, may be linked to a lower risk of a child’s attention deficit hyperactivity disorder diagnosis. It’s thought that the diet’s omega-3 fatty acids and nutrients may combat dietary imbalances pertaining to cognitive and physical growth. At the same time,

Health Wellness

Healthy Food Truck Eating

[The York Dispatch] — Summer is finally upon us, and it is sure to be filled with festivals and carnivals where meal options include food truck fare.  WellSpan York Hospital clinical dietitian Dale Green took a recent Friday afternoon to explore the offerings available at Food Truck Friday in Springettsbury Park and give some advice for staying on

Health Wellness

5 Food Groups to Jump-Start Nutrition

FRIDAY, May 26, 2017 (HealthDay News) — Most Americans still don’t eat enough nutrient-rich foods from key groups including vegetables, fruits, whole grains and low-fat dairy, according to federal health statistics. And they take in too many refined grains, saturated fats, added sugars and salt. What to do? Here are 5 types of foods you

Health Wellness

How Eating Fat Can Make Us Thin

If we understand the science behind nutrition we can understand that the pathway to good health is good eating. Or properly stated; the pathway to good health is grasping that what we eat is our natural medicine and we should choose our foods carefully, avoiding the bad and consuming the good. For years the conventional


See what is actually healty, you wont believe it

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