Health Wellness

No Easy Way To Lower Teen Obesity

Nearly 14 million children and teens in this country are obese, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Over the last 30 years, research shows that teen obesity risen while the percentage of teens trying to lose weight has declined. That may be due in part to a growing acceptance of different body

Health Wellness

5 foods you should eat to fight inflammation

Rheumatoid arthritis usually affects the hands, feet and wrists, and sufferers can often experience flare-ups of the condition during certain periods. “Although there are no specific nutrition guidelines for people with rheumatoid arthritis, researchers have found a diet rich in omega-3 fatty acids, antioxidants and phytochemicals supplies the body with powerful anti-inflammatory nutrients,” said the

Health Wellness

Is Your Diet Too Acidic?

As we get older, our bodies change and so do our diets. Many of us have dietary habits that we developed as children that we still live by in our later years, but even they are subject to change as we age. We may not eat as much of those favorite foods or we’ve eliminated

Health Wellness

The family dinner has evolved for the better

Every aspect of the nightly family dinner has changed significantly over the past 20 years. Yet research shows that families who dine together at home eat more “real food” and less pre-cooked or processed foods. They also eat significantly more fruits and vegetables. Not so long ago, Americans sat down every night to a large portion

Health Wellness

Does eating at night make you fat?

Some media reports say that eating at night makes you gain weight, others say that it has no effect on body weight. So who is right? First, it’s important to remember that a gain in body weight only occurs when there is a change in calories consumed or calories burned. A calorie is a calorie,