Shocking New Movie Depicts a 10 Year Old Girl Playing a “Sex” Robot!

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A very disturbing new film that should raise the outrage of parents everywhere has a 10-year old actress portraying a “sex robot.”

The alarming “sci-fi” film portrays a sexual relationship between a man and a robot that replicates his lost 10-year-old daughter. The film, The Trouble with Being Born has prompted walkouts and outrage at its debut screenings during the recent Berlin film festival.

The movie is directed by Austrian Sandra Wollner, it depicts a child-like android, played by 10-year-old Lena Watson (a pseudonym), who calls her owner “Daddy.”

According to the UK newspaper, The Independent, while much is implied, the movie “leaves little doubt that the man, played by Dominik Warta, has a sexual relationship with the child robot…”

The movie also includes multiple CGI nude scenes. According to a review in Slant, the film plot reveals that the android, Elli, “was built to replicate the father’s daughter, who disappeared 10 years before.”

The film rightly evoked disgust on Twitter, with one person calling it “pedophile propaganda,” the Independent reported.

Those thoughts were echoed by FilmGoblin in a review entitled “Pedophilia gets mainstream nod in The Trouble with Being Born.”

“Who are these people actually kidding?” notes the review. “Let’s not pretend that this isn’t about mainstreaming the last sexual perversion — other than bestiality — that isn’t socially acceptable,” it adds. “And there’s no argument to be made in defense of the existence of this film by using the ‘Lolita’ defense, or even the ‘well it’s just a robot’ defense.”

Wollner told the Hollywood Reporter, which described the film as a “hidden gem,” that the role was originally intended for a 20-year-old. However, she decided to cast a child after removing some more explicit elements in the script.

“What I found interesting about it is that we have an android whose only desires are the ones you program it to have,” she said. “I found it fascinating to show the perspective of the world through this machine that does not judge and does not care, and doesn’t need the meanings that we do.”

But, of course, she could have just as easily have made that point without making the android a child, as other powerful films have, such as “Blade Runner,” and the recent TV series “Robots,” which indeed had a sex scene with an ADULT android.

No, there is no “art’ or underlying message in The Trouble with Being Born, it is just an exercise in legitimizing a perversion.


What do you think of this movie? Are we now seeing the results of the slippery slope of amorality that society seems to be on? Please reply in the comments below.

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