Saving America’s Birds: What are the alternatives to shooting?


Birds are one of the most adorable and pleasant creatures to watch but some can be unpleasant if they enter your property. Besides being disturbing, their acidic feces and urine may also cause buildings and crop devastation. Some birds are also called “flying rats” because they are believed to be dirty and sometimes bring different parasites which can transmit some serious diseases to humans and other animals. They are very clever and have a strong ambition to get back to the place they love. Therefore getting rid of such birds can be very challenging.

Here are a few tips and tricks among other ways to get rid of pigeons and other birds without shooting them:

  • Pigeon birth control:

It is a time taking process but surely the number of pigeons reduces. Utilization of contraceptive programs like OvoControl have proven to be quite a successful alternative to shooting these birds down. By means of  attrition they achieve their goal. Attrition is a natural means of reducing bird population that is both safe and effective.

  • Eliminate supplies of food:

The availability of food is a powerful stimulus for birds to return to your property and the best way to get rid of them is by not feeding them. Birds like pigeons are encouraged to return to those places where they can find food easily. Beans, nuts, grains, beans, and fruits are highly attractive to them while insects, earthworms as well as other bugs make an occasional food.

  • Install a bird-scare:

The best way to keep birds away from your property is to scare them, which can be executed in several ways. Birds are food for prey birds like falcons, owls and hawks but it is not possible to install these powerful prey birds to scare them away from the building. Still, there is a great alternative option for getting rid of birds by frightening them by having a bird-scare which is quite possible. However, while choosing the bird-scare it is better to choose one which is 3D, life-size and which makes wild motions or produces raptor sounds which will stop the birds from coming again.

  • Setup a motion-activated sprinkler:

If you are trying to get the birds out of your garden and stop them from pooping in your garden, you must try to use the motion-activated sprinkler. It is one of the most effective and non-toxic approaches to get rid of birds – unexpected water spray. Motion sensors are used in the activated sprinkler which will be activated as soon as the birds arrive in your garden or somewhere else near your house. It is very effective as it covers a wide range of areas and blows water up to 30 feet.

  • Use the ultrasonic pigeon repeller:

Birds like pigeons are known to hear some sounds that humans are not able to hear. They have a strong sense of hearing because they have sharp ears that can hear the calls of other birds. Such sounds make them cautious about food, a possible partner and danger. Take advantage of this and get rid of the pigeons with sound. It will help get rid of pigeons from your land by making calls and sounds from predators which frighten pigeons. It has a range of adjustments that allow you to add a few pre-recorded sounds which make it look more real.

  • Use of reflective surfaces:

Some birds usually don’t like glowing flashes. Their avian eyes adjust to the impact of the lens which leave the birds feeling confused. You can get a range of reflective surfaces items lying around your house or from your nearest department store which include old CDs, small mirrors, aluminum foil, or folding balls.

  • Seal all the entrances off:

Birds like pigeons choose to nest in corners so they can shelter themselves from the light, cold and predators. A successful way of getting rid of them is to block entry into these areas. It will be a lot easier to recognize where to concentrate if you had pigeon nests in your house before. Remove the existing nests, the waste and seal off those areas with the bird netting. In combination with other techniques, this one is best to accomplish.

  • Bird netting:

Bird netting is an excellent technique used to keep birds from the roof if the roof is wide and flat. It prevents the birds from the roof physically. They can’t roost or nest because they cannot get on the roof. Bird netting is an elimination method primarily used for the control of large commercial birds and pigeons. Bird netting should be installed by a skilled bird control operator. If not properly installed, the birds will still land in the area and get trapped, creating another problem.

  • Use of spices:

If the organic approach is to be followed, then spices should be taken into account. You may make use of any form of spice. Chili powder, cinnamon and black pepper are some of the most popular ones. These can be spread around places where birds are abundant such as the window frames, gardens, railings, roofs, etc. once the birds have sensed them, they will never hang around again. Spices are not toxic but can cause harm to your animals. So caution must be taken by the pet owners.

  • Use of honey solution spray:

This is one of the easiest and most successful organic solutions against birds. Take a glass of water and mix it with a cup of honey. Place the mixture in a spray bottle and sprinkle the solution on places that are frequently visited by birds. They do not like adhesive solutions and are going to avoid your property automatically.

  • Contact a professional:

When using the above mentioned techniques, it is better to contact a professional bird control service. Companies who specialize in preventing and excluding bird species (such as pigeons) have the experience and protection facilities to get rid of them from rooftops, alcoves, solar panels and other places safely and effectively.

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