Pneumonia Shot Side Effect Warning!


Many health experts have been urging older adults to not only get their annual flu shot but to also get a pneumonia shot to help prevent the onset of pneumococcal disease. In the United States, there are two vaccines used to prevent the onset of pneumococcal disease – PCV13 (pneumococcal conjugate vaccine) and PPSV23 (pneumococcal polysaccharide vaccine).

According to the CDC, the PCV13 is recommended for all children under the age of 2 along with anyone over the age of 2 with certain medical conditions. The PPSV23 is recommended for all adults 65 and older, along with anyone over the age of 2 with certain medical conditions and for smokers between the ages of 19 and 64.

Pneumococcal disease not only can cause pneumonia in the lungs, but it can also cause ear infections, sinus infections, meningitis and a bloodstream infection known as bacteremia. This disease is considered to be an invasive disease which means it spreads to other parts of the body. in fact, the CDC says that pneumococcus is the most common cause of bloodstream infections, pneumonia, meningitis, and middle ear infections in young children, which is why the vaccines are highly recommended.

The CDC also states:

Pneumococcal Vaccines Are Safe but Side Effects Can Occur

Most people who get a pneumococcal vaccine do not have any serious problems with it. 

The CDC also states:

However, side effects can occur. Most side effects are mild, meaning they do not affect daily activities.

In the case of the PPSV23 vaccine, risks of side effects are:

  • Redness or pain where the shot is given, feeling tired, fever, or muscle aches can happen after PPSV23.

People sometimes faint after medical procedures, including vaccination. Tell your provider if you feel dizzy or have vision changes or ringing in the ears.

As with any medicine, there is a very remote chance of a vaccine causing a severe allergic reaction, other serious injury, or death.

Are there any other possible side effects? According to most health experts, the chances of anyone actually getting sick from a pneumococcal vaccine are slim, but I disagree.

My wife, age 68, was urged by her doctor to get both the flu and PPSV23 vaccines. They gave her the flu shot in one arm and the PPSV23 in the other arm. Later in the day, her arm showed a reaction to the PPSV23. She developed large red spots surrounding the injection site. She got her vaccine nearly a month ago and starting from the same day, she still feels like she is suffering from a pneumonia type infection. She is congested, has a cough, her voice gets weak and thready and she has been blowing out nasal mucous that is yellow and thick, indicating an infection. She also gets terrific sinus headaches. And YES, it is impacting her daily activities.

My daughter, age 43, received a PPSV23 shot a week ago and since that time, she has been ill with many of the same symptoms that my wife is suffering from, only my daughter is running a fever of 102º+. My daughter does have a weakened immune system which is why her doctor urged her to get her vaccine, but my wife does not have a weakened immune system.

Doctors have told both that their illnesses could not have been from the vaccine. However, my wife just heard of 2 other ladies who got sick immediately after getting their PPSV23 vaccines. One of these ladies had to be hospitalized after getting her vaccine and the other lady developed bronchitis and a sinus infection and in both of these cases, the doctors said their illnesses were not due to the vaccine. However, after doing some research on the internet, it becomes apparent that a number of people have come down ill right after getting their PPSV23 vaccines.

I just want others to know the possible side effects of getting their vaccine before they decide to take it. I’m not saying to not get it, but to consider the possibility first and do some research yourself

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