Mom Forced Toddler To Smoke Pot “So He Would Eat And Sleep Better”

family Health

A mother made her 2-year-old son smoke THC from a vape pen on more than one occasion because she believed the marijuana would help him eat and sleep more, according to the Brevard County Sheriff’s Office.

The first time the child had been given marijuana, 22-year-old Kiarra Clarisse sent a Snapchat message to her then-girlfriend claiming the boy had accidentally gotten ahold of her vape pen and smoked the THC oil that was inside, according to an affidavit. In a separate Snapchat video, Clarisse smokes the vape pen while lying next to the toddler, the report said.

Deputies said from there, Clarisse would put the vape pen in the boy’s mouth so he would smoke it in order to help his sleep schedule and appetite.

Because she was afraid the THC would be detected, Clarisse canceled the boy’s doctor appointments in June and July, which meant that he was not given the required vaccines, records show.

Authorities said when a relative was visiting with the boy after he had been with Clarisse, he noticed the child seemed lethargic, and then Clarisse’s ex-girlfriend notified him about what was going on.

The man called his attorney and called the Department of Children and Families and then took the boy to a hospital to take a drug test, which turned up positive for THC. Clarisse was arrested Tuesday on a child-neglect charge.

Clarisse’s ex-girlfriend contacted the boy’s father, saying she’d seen Clarisse force the boy to smoke marijuana on “several occasions” to help him eat and sleep better, according to the Brevard County Sheriff’s Office. She also said Clarisse allows other people to give alcohol to her son.

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