Huge Medicaid Corruption Discovered

Health Wellness

Barack Obama’s flagship legislation was the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, more commonly referred to as Obamacare.

The law had nothing to do with patient protection or providing affordable healthcare. Under Obamacare, many doctors, clinics and hospitals were supposed to enter patients’ medical histories into a national database, regardless if the patient knows about it or has consented to the distribution of their private medical history. Remember the HIPAA form you sign every time you see a doctor or go to a clinic or hospital? That’s more of an empty form to lull you into believing your medical information will be kept private.

Who has access to the federal database? A number of health professionals, government personnel who manage and maintain the database and insurance companies. That alone should be frightening. Did you know that Obamacare also wanted doctors and nurses to ask all of their patients if they had guns in their house and that was also supposed to be entered in the national database?

The Patient Protection Act not only didn’t protect patients but made their private medical history known to many others WITHOUT patient knowledge or permission.

We’ve already discussed how the Affordable Care Act only served to send healthcare premiums skyrocketing to the point of equaling and even surpassing mortgage payments for many.

Another provision of Obamacare was to entrap more people in the snare of government assistance and in this case, that spider’s web is known as Medicaid. Obamacare expanded the criteria for Medicaid, allowing millions more people to qualify for the federal and state program. In addition to ensnaring more people into the web of government assistance, the Medicaid expansion was part of the Obama socialist agenda to take more power away from the states. Many people are unaware that the !0th Amendment states that states will retain all power and authority except for that they grant to the federal government. In today’s America, the federal government don’t want states to have any power and expanding Medicaid was designed for that purpose.

Under Obamacare, the federal government was supposed to repay states at least 50% of their Medicaid costs, but that’s not been happening and many states have been left with huge Medicaid debts that they cannot afford, largely because the Obama administration never had any intention of paying the states what they were due for Medicaid costs.

One way to keep the state costs down was to deny a lot of Medicaid claims or even denying deserving people from receiving any Medicaid help at all and that’s what was happening with one health management company in California, as reported by Kaiser Health News:

“In early October, an executive at one of the nation’s largest physician-practice management firms handed her bosses the equivalent of a live grenade — a 20-page report that blew up the company and shook the world of managed care for poor patients across California.”

“For years, she wrote, SynerMed, a behind-the-scenes administrator of medical groups and managed-care contracts, had improperly denied care to thousands of patients — most of them on Medicaid — and falsified documents to hide it.”

SynerMed managed the care of over 650,000 Medicaid recipients in California and due to their corruption, officials believe that many people are in imminent danger of not receiving the medical care they are in need of. Like Obamacare in general, SynerMed was not as interested in the actual healthcare of the American people, but more concerned about money and control.

Conservative News Healthcare Obamacare

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