Fatty Liver? Here Are Some Tips to Help

Health Wellness

Anyone can develop a fatty liver, but it can be more common as we get older. Causes of fatty livers are divided into 2 groups – alcoholic and nonalcoholic. Obviously, alcoholic fatty livers are due to prolonged and excess drinking of alcohol. Nonalcoholic fatty liver can be due to diet, pregnancy, activity and even other health conditions.

Some medical professionals say that it’s nearly impossible to eliminate fatty liver disease, but they are probably more old school.

My oldest daughter, now 41, was diagnosed as having a fatty liver several years ago. She has a rare non-hereditary condition known as McCune Albright Syndrome (MAS), which is caused by a genetic mutation that occurs during early embryonic develop. One of the many symptoms of MAS is tumors and in her case, has been a pituitary tumor that was over producing growth hormones and causing Cushing disease. As a result of the excess growth hormone, she grew almost 2 inches in her mid-30s and caused her body to swell in size, which in turn resulted in her fatty liver.

After having radiation treatment on the tumor, it has shrunk by nearly a third in size and the amounts of excess hormones have decreased. She has watched her diet and tries to exercise whenever possible. This past year, she was told that she no longer has a fatty liver.

The liver stores fat which it uses to convert into energy when needed, but if not needed, it can continue to accumulate to the point where it interferes with the liver’s normal function of cleaning toxins from the blood and producing bile which is used to help digest food. Over time, this can cause a number of other health conditions.

So, what can you do if you have a fatty liver or want to prevent developing a fatty liver?

Yep, the two words that so many of us hate to hear – diet and exercise.

But what kind of diet changes are necessary to help with a fatty liver?

According to one source:

“A diet for fatty liver disease includes a wide variety of foods. Reducing calories and eating high-fiber, natural foods are a good starting point. Eating foods containing complex carbohydrates, fiber, and protein can help the body feel full and provide sustained energy.”

“Foods that reduce inflammation or help the body repair its cells are equally important.”

“Some people choose to follow specific diet plans, such as a plant-based diet or the Mediterranean diet. A dietitian can often help a person create a diet plan that is right for their tastes, symptoms, and health status.”

On your own, you may want consider adding the following to your regular diet:

  •  Garlic – has been found to help reduce overall body weight and fat in people, which in turns helps reduce fat in the liver. Can also use garlic powder on foods.
  • Omerga-3 fatty acids – found in salmon (wild caught), sardines, walnuts and flaxseed. They help raise the HDL cholesterol (good cholesterol) which helps reduce fat levels.
  • Coffee – it contains chlorogenic acid which is a strong anti-oxidant with anti-inflammatory properties.
  • Broccoli – eating more vegetables is good, but broccoli seems especially beneficial for helping with a fatty liver.
  • Green tea – contains high levels of anti-oxidants which help reduce body fat and fat in the blood stream.
  •  Avocados – they are high in soluble fiber and anti-inflammatory nutrients.
  • Walnuts – contain high levels of Omega-3 fatty acids
  • Soy or whey protein – they help maintain a level blood sugar which in turn helps with overall weight, muscle mass and body fat.

Now you know what foods will help reduce a fatty liver, but there is also a list of foods that you should avoid if you have a fatty liver. They include: sugars; alcohol; refined grains; fried foods; salty foods and red meat (beef, pork and most deli meats and processed meats like lunch meats, sausage, etc.).

Changing your diet is important if you have a fatty liver, but you MUST be more active. Regular exercising helps the body, including the liver, use the fat it is storing. The more you exercise, the more fat you will burn. Not only will it help your fatty liver, but regular exercise also helps the entire body including your mental abilities. 


Diet Fatty Liver Liver

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