Dr. Ronny Jackson: “The President Saved Countless American Lives”


Former White House physician Dr. Ronny Jackson,  wanted to set the record straight in response to the disgruntled left’s persistent attack on the President’s handling of the deadly coronavirus.

Jackson praised the President’s ability to think “out-of-box,” during a critical and confusing period. He mentioned China and its attempt to hide the deadly outbreak of the virus from the rest of the world, sending out misinformation along with censoring and in some instances imprisoning those healthcare workers within their country who attempted to sound the alarm – before the virus spread across the globe.

“The President has done everything he needed to do in this case,” Jackson told Hannity. “He’s acted quickly and decisively. He did what he always has done … he went with his instincts.”

The 52-year old Texas native explained that because of the President’s quick and decisive action in late January closing our border to China – despite a firestorm of condemnation from the unhinged left accusing the President of racism –  reduced the spread of the virus significantly. Compared to our European neighbors like Italy, Britain, Spain, and Germany, who are suffering from devastating losses.

“What’s going on in Italy and Iran is not going to happen here I think, because of the President’s quick and decisive actions. I think we are going to be more in line with what’s going on in South Korea and things of that nature,” Jackson said.

He continued, “We are going to see that we got on it early … the President stopped it quickly and it’s going to save countless American lives. I am proud that he’s acted so quickly and decisively in all of this.”

The former White House physician also wanted to acknowledge the President’s ability to assemble a celebrated medical task force of renowned physicians and infectious disease experts, to combat the virus, and urged the public to pay attention to them (not the media), adding, “Follow their instructions.”

Hannity asked Jackson about the lack of test kits available to the public at the start of the outbreak, Jackson defended the administration reminding the Fox host that the President was restricted with an antiquated system calling it just one example “of some of the regulations in government that the President has been getting rid of.”

Meanwhile, on Monday, there was some encouraging news regarding a vaccine coming out of New York’s Medical College. Professor Dr. Bob Lahita announced that a coronavirus vaccine may be available in the United States by early next winter.

Lahita is also the chairman of medicine at St. Joseph University Hospital and is encouraged by the progress being made stating to Fox News host Trace Gallagher, that the response rate within the medical community is the fastest he’s ever experienced “coming to fruition,” there are still many more stages that must be completed before anything can be distributed.

Emphasizing that every vaccine produced must go through a battery of trials, before it’s safe for the public to use.

“I think that we are very realistically looking at early fall,” said Lahita. “I thought the vaccine would not be available till late November maybe early December. But, with what’s going on now with Phase One and that fact that we are really rushing this through — and believe me, we have a lot of regulations to overcome for a new vaccine — I think we’re…we should be very encouraged that we’re going to see something probably in the early Winter being November, December.”

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