Bad Food Turned Good Food

Health Wellness

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If you are at all health conscious, as we all should be, you could go crazy trying to keep up with the latest studies and reports. There are so many different reports that tout the pros and cons of various foods that one has to wonder what is and what isn’t safe.

How many times have you read a study that says a certain food is healthy and then another report says the same food is bad for your health?

For example, many reports say that red meat is bad. It’s bad for your heart, bad for your circulation, increases chances of stroke and cancer. Yet, a popular diet plan pushes lots of meat, including red meat.

Many diets are big into fruits and vegetables with very little meat. Yet, some of the vegetables and fruit they recommend are bad for diabetes, blood pressure and other health functions.

How many reports have you seen that said coffee is bad for you? Yet, other reports say that coffee is good for your mental or cognitive health.

Many reports claim that cranberry juice or cranberry supplements are good for urinary health and yet a recent report says it has little to no impact on urinary health.

Drinking alcohol is said to be bad for your health by many health experts. Other professionals recommend a glass of red wine every day, saying it’s good for your heart and circulation. I know several people who believed that a shot of whiskey every day also leads to a long life and they all lived well into their 80s and 90s.

There is one food that has had a bad reputation for many years. Doctors will tell you not to eat them. My own doctor told me no more than 2 a week because they are bad for you. Yet, my dad ate two of the every day for many years and lived to 92.

Now a recent report says this bad food is actually good for your heart and reduces your chance of strokes.

So, what is this bad food that is suddenly a good food and how is it good for you?


Yep, for years, we have been told to hold off on eating eggs because they are loaded with bad cholesterol which in turn means they are bad for your heart and your circulation.

A new report from the Peking University Health Science Center said that their study found that eating an egg a day was linked to a 26% reduced risk of stroke and an 18% reduction of cardiovascular disease.

The lead scientists, Liming Li and Canqing Yu wrote:

“The present study finds that there is an association between moderate level of egg consumption (up to 1 egg/day) and a lower cardiac event rate.”

How many people did they study? They studied 416,000 people between the ages of 30 and 79. They asked how many eggs they are on a daily basis and followed their health over a nine-year period. They discovered that 13% ate one egg per day and the had a quarter less chance of suffering from a hemorrhagic stroke – also known as bleeding in the brain.

So, are eggs good or bad? Which is more of a concern to you, your cholesterol or having a stroke?

Diet Eggs

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