Health Wellness

The family dinner has evolved for the better

Every aspect of the nightly family dinner has changed significantly over the past 20 years. Yet research shows that families who dine together at home eat more “real food” and less pre-cooked or processed foods. They also eat significantly more fruits and vegetables. Not so long ago, Americans sat down every night to a large portion

Health Wellness

Is LASIK Eye Surgery Safe?

Vision is the most important of our 5 senses, at least to most of us, but it’s one that many take for granted by not taking proper actions to protect one’s vision. Additionally, many believe that whatever happens to them and their vision, they can turn to wearing glasses or contact lenses. However, for many,

Health Wellness

Chemists Identify Fatal Fungus

Life-threatening fungal infections affect more than two million people worldwide. Effective antifungal medications are very limited. Until now, one of the major challenges is that the fungal cell wall is poorly understood, which has impeded the development of effective antifungal medications that target the cell wall. However, an LSU chemist has identified for the first

Health Wellness

McDonald’s Salads Making People Sick

Last week, the news reported that at least 160 people in 10 states had gotten sick after eating a salad from McDonalds. The cause of the illnesses was due to contamination of cyclospora. McDonalds is cooperating with the CDC and local health officials to determine the actual cause of the diseases and trace it back