Health Nature Wellness

Are Your Antibiotics Killing You?

Over the past couple of decades, we’ve all heard many reports about the dangers of using too many anti-biotics. The warning is usually associated with the antibiotics becoming less effective due to the so-called evolution of what the antibiotics are designed to treat. I say so-called evolution because it’s NOT evolution at all. It’s more


Good News For Those Who Use Blood Thinners

Tens of thousands of Americans take the blood thinner Apixaban, more commonly known by the brand name Eliquis. People who take Eliquis do so because of various problems that lead to dangerous blood clots. In September, my daughter had surgery to remove a brain tumor. Less than a week later, she noticed that her legs


Man Nearly Loses Penis After Oral Sex

I was told many years ago that a decent person never discusses sex in mixed company and for many years, that was sound advice. While being proper and considerate has its virtues, the lack of discussion and knowledge can be quite dangerous. Those days of being prim and proper changed in the 1960s with the


How to Avoid Holiday Depression

Everywhere you go at this time of year, you see signs, cards and hear songs about it being a time of joy. We sing songs like Joy To The World and we wish everyone a Merry Christmas. Christmas is billed as a time of rejoicing, merriment and celebration. One would think that everyone is happy


When You Should Actually Worry About Heart Palpitations

If your heart feels like it’s doing something out of the ordinary, you might find yourself frantically Googling to figure out what’s going on. Chances are, you’re experiencing what’s commonly known as “heart palpitations,” which is a catchall term for feeling like your heart is acting weird. Seriously. Your heart beats because it has the