
Pneumonia Shot Side Effect Warning!

Many health experts have been urging older adults to not only get their annual flu shot but to also get a pneumonia shot to help prevent the onset of pneumococcal disease. In the United States, there are two vaccines used to prevent the onset of pneumococcal disease – PCV13 (pneumococcal conjugate vaccine) and PPSV23 (pneumococcal


Improving Quality of Life for Seniors with Dementia [VIDEO]

As America’s population continues to age, with thousands more people living longer lives, the number of people with dementia continues to increase. Not only are more seniors developing dementia, health professionals are identifying more types of dementia. Among the list are Alzheimer’s, Creutzfeldt-Jakob, frontotemporal, Huntington’s, Lewy body, mixed, normal pressure hydrocephalus, Parkinson’s and vascular. By

Health Wellness

Warning to Deep South Seniors

One of the sad ravages of age is a weaker immune system. The many years we have experienced have left us more susceptible to catching many of the seasonal illnesses that make their rounds. From colds to the various respiratory and gastrointestinal bugs that make the circuit. Not only do we become more susceptible to


Prevent Lung Cancer With Yogurt?

When I was younger, smoking and other uses of tobacco products was very popular. Early television, magazines and newspapers were filled with advertisements for various brands of cigarettes. Among the most popular commercials were the Marlboro Man, Camel and Winston. Over time, newer brands of cigarettes with filters, mint or menthol or lower tar became


Cancer Treatment Warning for Seniors

The older we get the greater our risk of developing some form of cancer. Most doctors will instantly begin a treatment regime. For many the treatment includes surgery and/or radiation and/or chemotherapy. However, is this the right approach, especially for seniors who often have other health conditions? Consider the story of the 86-year-old father of