Health Wellness

Is Autism Determined By Mom’s Health?

A mother’s microbiome — the collection of microorganisms that naturally live inside us — during pregnancy plays a critical role in determining the risk developing autism-spectrum disorders, new research from the University of Virginia School of Medicine suggests. The work raises the tantalizing possibility that preventing forms of autism could involve modifying an expectant mom’s

Finance Health

STD Could Be Next Super-bug

Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) have been around for many centuries. A number of historic figures have been reported to have suffered from some form of STD, some of the reports are believed to be more of a political smear, but in many cases, the reports are true. Among the more famous people reported to have

Health Wellness

New Weed Causes Severe Sunburn

This summer is shaping up to he a hot one, with the second major heat wave to sweep over the central and eastern parts of the country. Where I live in northern Kentucky and just south of Cincinnati, Ohio, May was the hottest month on record and at the time of this writing, we are